Happy Monday, Heroites!
As promised, I have a very special announcement today: The Hero Business “Season One” Graphic Novel campaign is launching today on Kickstarter! Here’s a mock-up of the book:

This is the culmination of all my “phase one” plans for the series, collecting all six storylines, all the “Coffee Break” gags, along with guest strips. And as you’ll see in the final pages of season one, there’s definitely more stories to tell in the Hero Business universe! This Kickstarter also offers up some special bonuses to longtime fans. The first storyline has been specially remastered exclusively for this collection. The book is also packed with unseen sketches, and wrapped in a new digitally-painted cover.
I’ve also laid out some pretty cool bonuses for your support — with rewards that include coffee mugs, sketch books, commissions and more.
But perhaps the coolest reward of all was hinted at on page 22 of this storyline. See all those blank boxes of the view screen? That’s The Hero Business Board of Directors. And yes…. that can be you! My executive level reward will put your likeness into the comic itself as one of the Board members, and will be included in this volume. That level of support also includes a signed print of the page, suitable for framing!
The book can’t happen without support. But with your collaboration, we can make it happen. So if you’ve been enjoying the comic for the past few years, please take a look at the campaign page and share on your social network walls and sites.
Thanks in advance for your support!