This week is our usual storyline-ending special BONUS!


We’re looking at the cover to the 8th Hero Business storyline, “Hexes and Ohs!” I couldn’t do a Morgan/Hex Kitten cover for #4 without revealing the secret… so I really wanted to highlight that here. And with the recent revelations in this episode, the classic Iron Man #128 cover by Bob Layton was a top contender! Especially when I switched “Demon In A Bottle” to “Diva In A Bottle” — perfectly capturing Morgan’s internal conflict!


Check out the original cover:




For the next 4-6 weeks, I’ll be running some special “Temp Month” comics, featuring some very talented artists. I’m seriously excited with some of the people that will be contributing!


Meanwhile, I’ll be starting on storyline #9. Let’s just say someone is NOT happy about the cast of the Bravado movie!