“Bad For Business” p08
Well now, pretty much all of Parker’s dirty secrets have been exposed.
And that last panel may need this.
That spell book theft happened back in storyline two, remember?
Next week we break for holiday, but we return the following week… when it really hits the fan.
I wonder how Brody broke free? Did Jeremy Hawke come to the rescue?
Also, Parker’s face in that last panel does make you sympathize with her, but MAN is it priceless.
Brody’s hands aren’t in-frame; maybe he chewed them both off at the wrist.
Honestly, in some of these settings where you have magic and sci-fi biotech, I wonder why more heroes don’t take an “I can have it grown back“ approach to their shackled appendages.
insurance premiums
that’s pretty funny– severed limbs are like broken fingernails in the super-hero-verse
In a setting like the Harry Potter universe, where whole limbs can be magically regrown, I’m surprised that losing limbs isn’t an extreme sport. Then again, the novelty would probably wear off after awhile, so maybe they had already been there and done that.
Hey – you need to get to a bathroom bad enough, like after being asleep for four days, you’ll *find* a way to pick locks 😉
the means of Brody’s escape could propel a whole new storyline. ; )
If THIS isn’t really hitting the Fan, then when it REALLY hits the Fan, that fan won’t even be able to turn!!!
Oh, thank you so much for that image.
“Well you know how it is, you’re out to a party, someone is passing around a weaponized enthrallment spell…”
We might not be seeing his hands because it’s hard to raise your hands high enough when you’re dragging a steam radiator around.
I read them ALL?! I figured I’d check out a couple, see what’s doin’, and before I knew it, I was all caught up–in one sitting!
And now I have to wait? In the words of the man himself, “Zounds!”
Come on Parker. Now is not the time for suddenly becoming overwhelmed. You’ve clearly got an agenda, there’s time for explanations AFTER the dust has settled.
“Harder to explain”? A goth chic ruffies a guy she likes and chains him to the radiator in her apartment. Do you know how many calls I get like that to come over cause they lost the damned handcuff key? It goes sort of like this… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oAS-DIt7ZaY
Brody saying Parker’s full name is bordering on a theme. I’m just waiting for:
“Your name Parker Del Meurto. You keel my weekend. Prepare to die.”