Coffee Break #40: “To Nav And Nav Not”
Sentient GPS? I think this it explains stuff like this. Don’t let that cool British accent fool you — your GPS is trying to run you off the road!
Also, it looks like the Boston Comic Con is still a go (my thoughts are with those touched by the Boston Marathon tragedy).
You can find me at Artist Alley table AAW56. It’s one of my favorite shows with a great community of fans that gather every year.
I’ll be there with with hot-off-the-press Hero Business Collection #4 “Frenemy Mine,” along with a fresh collection of prints and original art works for sale. Plus, I’ll be available for commissions – first come, first serve.
You can even check out the Hero Business television debut, in the Boston Comic-Con commercial. For half a second at the :29 mark.
Looking forward to seeing everyone!
Ladies and gentlemen, this is how close we are to having built a real-life HAL-9000.
Look, for superheroes, being given directions to where there is danger is not always a bad thing. It’s practically their job.
I always knew SIRI was a sentient malicious life form.
In that case, this film might amuse you