Cry, Malefactor p10
Every one of these interviews is creating a villainous place I want to revisit. Welcome to Infernal Enterprises… make sure you read the fine print!
Every one of these interviews is creating a villainous place I want to revisit. Welcome to Infernal Enterprises… make sure you read the fine print!
Discussion (21) ¬
And where does “ending marriages” of super-heroes fit into the business plan?
Heh. I’d wager Infernal Enterprises has employed the services of Dan Deleto from time to time.
Not a un-holy owned subsidiarity then?
ha, good one!
Hmmm… I feel like there’s a flaming pun to be made here, sadly I am not comedian enough to pull it off XD
Y’know, that had’nt even occurred to me…
This is great! Dr. Malefactor, unlike a lot of fictional characters, actually had SENSE to look over the contract before signing it! Why couldn’t anyone in real life have the will to do that???? Curse ye lure of the easy dollar!
“You can’t con a con man”, or something like that.
and the plot thickens!!!!
Is Primstone coming onto him?
I think she is. Strange, I had thought that Primstone was a guy.
Primstone IS a guy.
That doesn’t stop him from coming on to the not-good-at-all Doctor 😉
Ah, I thought Primstone was an androgynous guy until that last panel, when I revised my opinion to “androgynous female or possibly actually beyond human gender classification” because of the emphasis on the chest it gives.
So, I’ll just go back to “androgynous guy”.
Well angels are supposed to be androgynous, (no sex organs, see Dogma) so it would make sense that demon would be as well.
Another question comes to mind: what would an evil villain like Malefactor consider immoral?
So, a demonic private equity firm? Reminds me of Bane Capital!
Their competition probably specializes in purges and inquisitions.
Just popped back in here looking for the “clue” that was mentioned in Bad For Business 14. I can’t believe nobody mentioned the partial American Psycho quote-drop. Brilliant placement.