“Orientation” p01
Here’s the very first strip. I wanted to start right in… we’re right there with Parker on her first day. I also wanted to start off with a scene tat would show the bizarre nature of this business. Dead heroes coming back to life? No big.
Discussion (5) ¬
Interesting building… the very large “H” incorporated into the main entrance is difficult not to notice. It sort of reminds me of a different building that was represented by a letter. Was it a “T”? I forget. Also, the pastoral setting around this tower makes me think it was not built on a city block, but perhaps in a more park-like environment. On an island in the middle of the East River perhaps? Hmmm.
How can you forget the teen titans’ building?
She’s a student of the Bob Newhart “repeat everything the other party says” school of telephony?