First, an update: Due to Boston Comic-Con and a hellish catch-up week, there was no new strip last Friday. As faithful readers know, I’ve never missed a weekly deadline… but due to a confluence of events, this was unavoidable. My apologies. I assure you, though, this week’s strip is already begun and we’re back on track this week.
Now, onto the fun stuff… it’s time for another mystery mash-up, Heroites!
The theme for the next “The Line Is Drawn” over at CBR’s Comics Should Be Good: “”Comic book characters on reality shows”.
Take a look at this sketch…

Correctly identify both:
1. The reality show being spoofed AND
2. The comic book city that’s the subject of this mash-up.
E-mail your guesses (please do not post below), and for the first person to identify correctly, I’ll do a pencil sketch of any character of your choosing!
Get the guessing begin!